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- Department of Transportation, Highways Division – June 30, 2011 Financial Statements and Single Audit Report
- Department of Transportation, Oahu Metropolitan Planning Organization – June 30, 2011 Financial Statements and Single Audit Report
- 12-11, Study of the Higher Education ActSummary
- 12-10, Review of Revolving Funds, Trust Funds, and Trust Accounts of the Departments of Human Resources Development, Labor and Industrial Relations, Public Safety, and TaxationSummary
- 12-09, Mandatory Health Insurance Coverage for Fertility Preservation Procedures for People of Reproductive Age Diagnosed with CancerSummary
- 12-08, Sunrise Analysis: Regulation of Ziplines and Canopy ToursSummary
- 12-07, Management Audit of the Department of Education’s School Bus Transportation ServicesSummary Follow-Up
- 12-06, Report on the Implementation of State Auditor’s 2009 RecommendationsSummary
- 12-05, Audit of the Department of Taxation’s Administrative Oversight of High-Technology Business Investment and Research Activities Tax CreditsSummary Follow-Up
- 12-04, Study of the Transfer of Non-general Funds to the General FundSummary Follow-Up