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- Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism, Hawai’i Convention Center – Eighteen-Month Period from January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021 Special Purpose Financial StatementsThe auditors from Accuity LLP gave an unmodified opinion that the financial statements were presented fairly, in all material respects, in accordance with the management agreement between the Hawaiʻi Tourism Authority and AEG.
- 22-07, Review of Income and Financial Institutions Tax Provisions Pursuant to Section 23-93, Hawai‘i Revised StatutesSummary
- 22-07, Review of Income and Financial Institutions Tax Provisions Pursuant to Section 23-93, Hawai‘i Revised StatutesAUDITOR’S SUMMARY Report 22-07 THIS REPORT ASSESSES two tax credits, two exclusions, and one deduction from taxation under Hawai‘i’s Income Tax and Financial Institutions Tax. Section 23-91 et seq., Hawai‘i Revised Statutes, requires the Auditor to review tax provisions on a five-year recurring cycle. More specifically, this report reviews the following tax provisions: Credit for […]
- 22-06, Review of Tax Provisions Pursuant to Section 23-74, Hawai‘i Revised StatutesSummary
- 22-06, Review of Tax Provisions Pursuant to Section 23-74, Hawai‘i Revised StatutesThis report assesses certain tax exemptions and exclusions from Hawai‘i’s General Excise Tax and Use Tax. Section 23-71 et seq., Hawai‘i Revised Statutes, requires the Auditor to annually review different tax exemptions, exclusions, and credits on a 10-year recurring cycle. This report is our first review under these statutes.
- 22-05, Audit of the Department of Public SafetySummary
- Audit of the Department of Public SafetyAuditor’s Summary Audit of the Department of Public SafetyReport No. 22-05 ACCURATELY DETERMINING the appropriate level of staffing on a day-to-day basis is important for any organization. However, unlike many other state organizations, jails and prisons operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, providing services for persons who have been charged with or […]
- Department of Transportation, Highways Division – June 30, 2021 Financial StatementsSummary
- Department of Transportation, Highways Division – June 30, 2021 Single Audit ReportSummary
- Financial and Compliance Audit of the Department of Transportation, Highways Division