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- 20-07, Report on Potential Available State Moneys Identified in Prior Audit ReportsWe review special, revolving, and trust funds every five years, providing important information on state moneys held outside of the State’s General Fund. This report contains two sections. The first identifies special and revolving fund accounts that have been inactive for the past fiscal years. The second lists special and revolving fund accounts whose balances appear to be significantly more than necessary to support the associated programs.
- 20-06, Report on Special and Revolving Fund Accounts with Inactive or Excess BalancesWe review special, revolving, and trust funds every five years, providing important information on state moneys held outside of the State’s General Fund. This report contains two sections. The first identifies special and revolving fund accounts that have been inactive for the past fiscal years. The second lists special and revolving fund accounts whose balances appear to be significantly more than necessary to support the associated programs.
- 20-05, Report on General Excise Tax Exemptions Suspended in FY2012 – FY2013In 2011, the Legislature passed Act 105, which temporarily suspended a number of General Excise Tax exemptions for FY2012-FY2013. We present the following data on the provisions suspended pursuant to Act 105 for informational purposes should a measure comparable to Act 105 be considered as a response to the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. This report should not be construed as a recommendation by us on tax policy.
- Financial and Compliance Audit of the Department of Human ServicesJune 30, 2019 Financial Statements and Single Audit Report The auditors from KMH LLP reported one significant deficiency in internal control over financial reporting and 13 material weaknesses in internal control over compliance that are required to be reported under Government Auditing Standards and the Uniform Guidance.
- Department of Human Services – June 30, 2019 Financial Statements and Single Audit ReportSummary
- Financial and Compliance Audit of the Department of EducationJune 30, 2019 Financial Statements and Single Audit Report The auditors from KKDLY LLC identified one significant deficiency in internal control over financial reporting that is required to be reported in accordance with Government Auditing Standards. The auditors also identified one significant deficiency in internal control over compliance in accordance with the Uniform Guidance.
- Department of Education – June 30, 2019 Financial Statements and Single Audit ReportsSummary
- State of Hawai’i Single Audit ReportJune 30, 2019 Financial Statements The auditors from Accuity LLP identified one material weakness and two significant deficiencies in internal controls over financial reporting, and five material weaknesses and six significant deficiencies in internal control over compliance with major federal programs that are required to be reported in accordance with Government Auditing Standards and the Uniform Guidance, respectively.
- State of Hawai’i Single Audit Report – June 30, 2019Summary
- Financial Audit of Accounting and General Services, State Parking Revolving FundJune 30, 2019 Financial Statements The auditors from KPMG LLP reported no deficiencies in internal control over financial reporting that were considered to be material weaknesses and no instances of noncompliance or other matters that are required to be reported under Government Auditing Standards.