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- 21-06, Review of Income and Financial Institutions Tax Credits Pursuant to Section 23-92, Hawai‘i Revised StatutesSummary
- 21-04, Analyses of Proposed Special and Revolving Funds 2021
- 21-04, Proposed Special and Revolving Fund AnalysesAUDITOR’S SUMMARY Fifty-one funds proposed in 2021 did not meet criteria We reviewed 75 House and Senate bills proposing 51 special and revolving funds during the 2021 legislative session of which none met criteria. ONLY ABOUT HALF OF THE MONEY the State spends each year comes from its main financial account, the general fund. The […]
- Department of Health, Drinking Water Treatment Revolving Loan Fund – June 30, 2020 Financial Statements and Single Audit ReportSummary
- 20-18, Review of Special Funds, Revolving Funds, Trust Funds, and Trust Accounts of the Department of Commerce and Consumer AffairsSummary
- 20-18, Review of Special Funds, Revolving Funds, Trust Funds, and Trust Accounts of the Department of Commerce and Consumer AffairsWe reviewed 39 funds and accounts administered by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA) – specifically, 20 special funds, 12 trust funds, and 7 trust accounts. We found 2 special funds, 1 trust fund, and 1 trust account did not meet criteria. We recommended both special funds be closed, the trust fund be reclassified to a special fund, and the trust account be reclassified to a trust fund.
- 20-14, Limited Scope Review of the State’s Oversight of Moneys Received Through the Coronavirus Relief Fund
- Financial Audit of the Department of Accounting and General Services, State Motor Pool Revolving Fund
- Department of Accounting and General Services, State Motor Pool Revolving Fund – June 30, 2019 Financial StatementsSummary
- Financial and Compliance Audit of the Department of Transportation, Administration Division