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- 22-13, Sunrise Analysis: Regulation of School Psychologists
- 22-12, Review of Special Funds, Revolving Funds, Trust Funds, and Trust Accounts of the Department of Human Resources DevelopmentSummary
- 22-12, Review of Special Funds, Revolving Funds, Trust Funds, and Trust Accounts of the Department of Human Resources DevelopmentAUDITOR’S SUMMARY One fund did not meet criteria OUR REVIEW of the one special fund and two trust funds of the Department of Human Resources Development (DHRD) found the special fund did not meet criteria and should be reclassified to a revolving fund. Section 23-12, Hawai‘i Revised Statutes (HRS), requires the Auditor to review all […]
- 22-11, Follow-Up on Recommendations from Report No. 19-01, Audit of the Department of Land and Natural Resources’ Land Conservation FundOriginal
- 22-10, Audit of the Office of Language AccessSummary
- 22-10, Audit of the Office of Language AccessAUDITOR’S SUMMARY ACCORDING TO THE 2020 State of Hawaii Data Book, more than 158,000 individuals residing in Hawai‘i are limited English proficient. For this population, interpreters, translators, and other language access-related services may be needed to help navigate government activities such as court proceedings, as well as to understand rights and responsibilities related to public […]
- 22-09, Follow-Up on Recommendations from Report No. 18-04, Audit of the Hawai‘i Tourism AuthorityOriginal
- 22-08, Sunrise Analysis: Regulation of Community Health WorkersSummary
- 22-08, Sunrise Analysis: Regulation of Community Health WorkersSenate Bill No. 2882, introduced during the 2022 Regular Session, would regulate the community health worker profession, requiring certification of the workforce. The Hawai‘i Regulatory Licensing Reform Act, Chapter 26H, Hawai‘i Revised Statutes, requires the Auditor to assess measures that would subject professions that are currently unregulated to licensing, certification, or some other state oversight. […]
- Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism, Hawai’i Convention Center – Eighteen-Month Period from January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021 Special Purpose Financial StatementsSummary