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- 20-10, Report on the Department of Health’s Contact Tracing EffortsWe intended to report on the Department of Health’s COVID-19 contact tracing process; however, the department did not respond to our requests for information. As a result, our report relied on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s interim guidance on COVID-19 contact tracing plans. We also include observations of the department’s contact tracing efforts where appropriate and to the extent that we were able to obtain the information.
- Financial and Compliance Audit of the Department of Transportation, Highways Division
- Department of Transportation, Highways Division – June 30, 2019 Financial StatementsSummary
- Department of Transportation, Highways Division – June 30, 2019 Single Audit ReportSummary
- 20-09, Review of General Excise and Use Tax Exemptions and ExclusionsSummary
- 20-09, Review of Excise and Use Tax Exemptions and ExclusionsThis report assesses certain tax exemptions and exclusions from Hawai‘i’s General Excise Tax and Use Tax. Section 23-71 et seq., Hawai‘i Revised Statutes, requires the Auditor to annually review different tax exemptions, exclusions, and credits on a 10-year recurring cycle. This report is our first review under these statutes.
- Department of the Attorney General – June 30, 2019 Financial Statements and Compliance Audit ReportSummary
- Financial and Compliance Audit of the Department of the Attorney GeneralJune 30, 2019 Financial Statements and Single Audit Report The auditors from Egami & Ichikawa CPAs, Inc. identified one significant deficiency in internal control over financial reporting or other matters that is required to be reported in accordance with Government Auditing Standards. There were no findings that were considered to be material weaknesses in internal control over compliance in accordance with the Uniform Guidance.
- Department of Health, State of Hawaii – June 30, 2019 Financial Statements Together with Independent Auditor’s ReportJune 30, 2019 Financial Statements and Single Audit Report The auditors from KMH LLP identified one material weakness and one significant deficiency in internal control over financial reporting that are required to be reported under Government Auditing Standards. They also identified three material weaknesses in internal control over compliance that are required to be reported in accordance with the Uniform Guidance.
- 20-08, Supplement to Report No. 20-06, Report on Special and Revolving Fund Accounts with Inactive or Excess BalancesIn this supplement to Report No. 20-06, we provide additional information about the special and revolving fund accounts, specifically whether the moneys in the accounts can be transferred to the State’s General Fund or otherwise repurposed.