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2023 Annual Report

Posted on May 9, 2024 in Annual Report, Most Recent

AUDITOR’S SUMMARY Report No. 24-05 THE DEPARTMENET OF HUMAN SERVICES (DHS) is charged with providing services “for the protection and care of abused or neglected children and children in danger of becoming delinquent to make paramount the safety and health of children who are harmed or are in life circumstances that threaten harm.” The importance ...
Read More 24-05, Audit of the Department of Human Services’ Child Welfare Services Branch

AUDITOR’S SUMMARY THE STATE’S NEW ELECTRONIC PAYROLL AND TIME AND LEAVE SYSTEM, accessed through the Hawai‘i Information Portal (HIP), is premised on employees’ entering time they work outside of regular hours, such as overtime, as well as requests for paid and unpaid leave. In addition, HIP features a dashboard that allows State of Hawai‘i personnel ...
Read More 24-02, Audit of the Hawai‘i State Hospital’s Implementation of the Hawai‘i Information Portal